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arizona plumber | National Water Quality Month

Ben Franklin Plumbing Van - Trusted plumbing services phoenix AZ
Ben Franklin Plumbing Van
Licensed • Insured

National Water Quality Month

August is National Water Quality Month. When was the last time you thought about your water quality? Water is life and is critical to our health and well being. Let August be a time for you to reflect on your water resources and re-dedicate yourself to their protection and restoration. If you are wondering how you can protect water quality where you live in Chandler, Gilbert or Scottsdale, Arizona, here are a few things you can do to participate:

Use less water

Water conservation puts less stress on our drinking water supplies and diverts less water for municipal use. Doing this helps preserve healthy aquatic environments.  Using outdoor water efficiently also reduces the amounts of pollutants reaching groundwater supplies and running off into storm drains. You can limit your water use by switching to a low water use toilet, swapping your showerhead for a low-flow model and checking to be sure that your drip system is using the proper amount of water and has no leaks. Also make yourself aware of how much water you’re using daily. Try cutting down on the time you spend in the shower and make an effort to turn the water off while you brush your teeth or shampoo your hair. Small savings in water usage add up quickly.

Cut down on water pollution

Yes, you can help keep pollution out of your water supply.

Clean Water Action provides some tips:

  • not using antibacterial soaps or cleaning products
  • not flushing unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain
  • not putting anything but water down storm drains
  • fixing leaks that drop from cars and putting liners in driveways to collect oil and other materials
  • avoiding using pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • choosing nontoxic household products when possible
  • picking up after pets
  • not paving properties


Get involved in community efforts

You can also get involved in community efforts to improve water quality. Look out for cleanup or restoration projects in your Mesa, Ahwatukee or Anthem parks or start your own. Clearing invasive plants for a local park or cleaning up trash near a lake or river can have a major impact.

Water is a precious resource. During National Water Quality Month, let’s all try to do our part to preserve this important resource.

Happy National Water Quality Month from everyone at Ben Franklin Plumbing AZ. If you would like a professional to come discuss your water treatment options in your home, contact us at (602) 273-1740.