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10 Tips To Save Water In Your Home

Ben Franklin Plumbing Van - Trusted plumbing services phoenix AZ
Ben Franklin Plumbing Van
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The average home wastes 10,000 gallons of water yearly. There are some easy ways to save water in and around your home right away. Yes, right now SRP’s daily water report  states Arizona’s water resources are 97% full, but Phoenix homeowners still need to save water for many reasons.  Some include the increase of water damage costs, increase amount of bugs or pests drawn to your home by excess water dripping or hanging around and most of all save money monthly on your water bill.

As Benjamin Franklin once said “

Never leave that till to-morrow which you can do to-day”
So here are my 10 tips to Save Water: 
    1. Saving water starts with you teaching your family how to save water. Take time to review one new item monthly and help your family recognize why this is so important to Arizona and the utility bill.
    2. Find and Fix leaks around your home, read our previous post “How to Check for Water Leaks Yourself ”  for some easy ideas.
    3. Use Energy Star washing machines to save on both water and electric usage and costs. You can find a list of qualified washing machines at  Energy Star and watch for my blog series on “Arizona Cash for Appliance Rebates” in the next few weeks.
    4. Don’t use your toilet as a garbage bag, only use it for what it is really there for relieving your bodily functions. Each time you flush you use 1.6 gallons to 5 gallons depending on your toilet and the maintenance of toilet. If you have a toilet made prior to 1992, you can switch to a 1.6 gallon flushing toilet and save up to 25,000 gallons a year.
    5. Use a small 1 inch empty can, like your favorite tuna can, to put in your yard, then watch and time how long it takes to fill the can. Turn off your sprinklers and adjust the timer to be sure your not over watering each time they come on. For more plant water scheduling recommendations, view the Town of Gilbert recommendations.
  • Turn the water off when brushing your teeth or washing your face, when water is running and you don’t need it even for 30 seconds turn it off and save hundreds of gallons of water every year.
  • Start a compost pile instead of using thousands of gallons of water a year using your garbage disposal, for more information on how to start one see Eartheasy.





  • Hot water recirculation pumps are a popular way to save thousands of gallons of water every year, while you enjoy the ability to have hot water right away when need it.
  • Change your shower head to one with Showerstart technology…a hot shower that waits for you … from Evolve Showerheads like Gayle Bass, KTAR’s Click Chic who is loving her shower everyday.
  • Use EasyWater to address hard water problems.  There’s no salt, no hassles and doesn’t waste water during a generation cycle like other systems.  There are many choices in water treatment. When you are considering a choice for your home, we’re here to help.


Share with us what ideas you’ve implemented to save water around your home. The best savings idea shared in the blog comments by April 30, 2010, will receive a free copy of  Grandpa’s Homeowners Handbook, The ultimate survival guide to seasonal home maintenance!