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Chandler Plumber | Summer Plumbing Tips

Ben Franklin Plumbing Van - Trusted plumbing services phoenix AZ
Ben Franklin Plumbing Van
Licensed • Insured

Summer Plumbing Tips

While it may feel like summer and the kids may be out of school, the first day of summer is not until June 21st. Here are some ways to take care of your plumbing this summer so you can avoid dealing with issues.  Follow our simple summer plumbing tips.

Are you going away for a vacation? Turn down the temperature of your water heater before you leave town to save energy and money.

If you are cooking outside more often to avoid heating up your kitchen, be aware of what is going down your garbage disposal. Avoid putting stringy or fibrous foods into your disposal, like cornhusks, celery and banana peels. Also remember that foods that ask you to “just add water” will expand in your drain, so keep out items like instant stuffing or potato mixes. Also avoid letting fats, pasta and cooking oils go into your disposal to avoid clogs. Remember to run plenty of cold water into the disposal to keep it clear.

We know you want to avoid a sewer line backup. New tree root growth during spring could have interfered with your pipes so if you haven’t had your sewer line pipes inspected recently, summer is a good time to do so.

Summer often brings with it more dirty clothes and towels. Take time to check your washing machine hoses for bulges, leaks or cracks and be sure to remove drier lint regularly.  Also, move your machine at least four inches from the wall to prevent hose kinking and damage, and never leave your home while the washer is running.

Arizona summers are hot and dry so check your drip system for leaks and makes sure you’re not over-watering.

Summertime also means that your kids might be home or you may have more visitors than usual. Be sure that your toilet is running properly and that everyone remembers how much toilet paper to use.

If you find that your water heater, garbage disposal, sewer pipes or toilet needs attention, call Ben Franklin Plumbing AZ this summer before small problems get worse. (602) 903-1762