Happy Thanksgiving from Ben Franklin Plumbing AZ. There is so much that we have to be thankful for.
First, we are thankful for all of our hard-working employees that have taken on the role of customer service in the plumbing industry. Being a plumber is hard work and they are dedicated to making other’s lives better. Our employees are the heart and soul of our company and we are grateful for their commitment to excellence.
Second, we are grateful for our customers both old and new. We love being in your homes and giving you tips and suggestions online and on TV. Thank you for trusting us with your most important plumbing needs and thank you for reading our newsletter and blog and watching our YouTube videos.
Third, we are thankful for the new plumbing items that make our lives healthier, safer and easier.
We’ve come a long way from chamber pots and out houses. Here are a few modern plumbing conveniences that we often take for granted. Let’s be grateful for them this Thanksgiving!
Your bathrooms will be getting a lot of use now through the end of the year. Most homes now have two or more full bathrooms. From toilet paper to hot water, imagine how fortunate we are now as compared to just a few generations ago! Many of us even have amenities like rain shower heads and upgraded toilets. That’s luxurious!
Cleaning up after your Thanksgiving meal will definitely be easier with the pull-out faucets and automatic dishwashers most of us use daily. Thank about how different it would have been for your great-grandmother to prepare and clean up her meal!
Outside, imagine how different life would be without your drip or sprinkler system. Even indoor plumbing and outdoor sprinkler systems are modern advances we can easily take for granted.
There’s so much to be thankful for, including you, our reader.
We wish all of our employees and customers a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! We appreciate you!
For all your Phoenix valley plumbing needs, contact Ben Franklin Plumbing AZ at (602) 273-1740