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How to Fix Leaky Faucets

Ben Franklin Plumbing Van
Ben Franklin Plumbing Van
Licensed • Insured
dripping faucet repair service

One of the first things you need to do when you have a leaky faucet is shut off the water. The reason behind this is that it helps to prevent floods, but it can also save you money on your water bill. You can do this yourself, without needing any specialized equipment. Before you start, you should get a firm grip on the components of your faucet.

You need to remove the decorative cap to access the interior components of the faucet. To do this, you’ll need a flathead screwdriver. Once you have lifted off the cap, you’ll be able to see the threads underneath. If you haven’t already, you should apply some petroleum jelly to the threads to help them slide smoothly. Alternatively, you can spray silicone spray on the threads.

The other requisites for this repair are an adjustable wrench and a pair of needle nose pliers. These items are necessary to secure the handle and turn off the faucet. While reassembling the faucet, it’s important to make sure all the parts fit. For this reason, you might want to take pictures of the pieces you’ve removed. This will make it easier to remember the order in which you put them back together.

Depending on the type of faucet you have, there might be other elements that need to be replaced. Some of these are seals, the O-ring, and washers. When you’re ready to replace these, it’s best to consult with a professional plumber. They will have a plethora of replacement parts on hand.

While the most accurate estimates of the average lifespan of a faucet vary widely, the National Association of Home Builders reports the average faucet life at 15 years. A leaky faucet can waste up to five gallons of water a day. Therefore, the time and energy you invest in repairing a leaky faucet are well worth it.

It’s important to note that although there are many tools to help you remove the decorative cap, you’ll need to be careful. If you’re not careful, you may damage your faucet. In addition, it is possible to block the supply line, so if you don’t have any luck, don’t panic. As with all plumbing jobs, you should contact a professional if you suspect there’s more to your problem than a broken handle.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should make a point to check under your sink for the aforementioned ‘leak.’ The more comprehensive your inspection, the more likely you are to find the culprit. Using a penetrating oil to dislodge a seized fitting is another tip to consider.

Lastly, you should make a list of the major components of your faucet. By doing this, you’ll be able to identify the most important parts to replace. Doing so will ensure you end up with a functional unit. Also, you’ll know whether or not you need to replace all of the pieces. Make sure to do your homework, as different types of faucets have different repair procedures.

If you need help with leaky faucets in the Phoenix, AZ area contact Ben Franklin Plumbing AZ