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Phoenix Plumber Tips: How to Save Yourself from Clogged Sinks

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Phoenix Plumber Tips: How to Save Yourself from Clogged Sinks

A clogged sink sink is a time-waster and often downright gross. These tips from a Phoenix plumber can help you to avoid this disgusting problem!


What causes the clogs?

The most common items that will slow down your bathroom sink or shower drain system and cause clogged sinks is hair (long and short), soap and makeup products. These things gather in the pipes over time and cause your pipe to drain slower and even smell. Also, small plastic caps can get caught in the soap or hair and stick to the pipe or elbows of the pipe, allowing only a very small amount of water to drain at a time.

Phoenix Plumber Tip:

To prevent clogs, cover your drains with proper strainers to allow water to pass through while preventing unwanted items from slipping through. It is also advisable to use a biodegradable drain maintenance product such as BioBen on a monthly basis,  It will eat away the hair and soap scum stuck to the pipes so you don’t have to open up the pipes or hire a plumber to clear them out when they get worse.


What causes the clogs?

Grease and oils along with stringy foods can all cause your kitchen sink to clog.

Phoenix Plumber Tip:

Treat your kitchen sink with care. Wipe all grease and oils from pots and scrape your dishes into the garbage before rinsing them in the sink. Foods like turkey skin, egg shells, carrot skins, potato skins and cheese are some of the worst culprits. In fact, macaroni left in your sink line can bloat up and cause a clog as it hardens. Remember to never put large amounts of food down the disposal at one time.

Also, dispose of liquid fats in a jar in the trash rather than pouring them down the drain. It’s also important to run cold water down the drain for thirty seconds before and after use. Keep a close eye on potential clogging agents and avoiding pushing the fixtures’ limits to keep the kitchen sink and disposal in top shape.